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Major Zoonotic Diseases and their Status in Pakistan

With the rise of zoonotic diseases, it is the need of the hour that information regarding such diseases be easily accessible. Click to learn about the current major zoonotic diseases and their status in Pakistan.

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What is monkeypox?

A microbiologist explains what’s known about this smallpox cousin Monkeypox isn’t a new disease. The first confirmed human case was in 1970, when the virus was isolated from a child suspected of having smallpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Monkeypox....

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Zoonotica Awarded K2A Funding

The Swiss #Knowledge2Action (K2A) program has awarded a research grant to team lead of Zoonotica, Dr. Fazal Adnan to work on real time monitoring of zoonotic infections of Pakistan.

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Congo Virus & Pakistan

News has been spreading of a new viral outbreak in Iraq, leading to fears of the infection spreading to other parts of the world. This article is designed to help inform people about the virus, its current status in Iraq and its risk of spread to other countries like Pakistan.

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Visit to MNSUAM

Dr. Fazal Adnan and team arranged a training and awareness session on animal infections under the project funded by The Swiss #Knowledge2Action (K2A) program. The session was held at Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture, Multan on November 25th, 2022.

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Visit to University of Swat

The Zoonotica team visited the University of Swat, Charbagh Campus on January 26th, 2023 to conduct an awareness campaign on animal infections in Pakistan.

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Major Zoonotic Infections of Pakistan

Our Services​

Expert’s in Biology, Epidemiology & Information Technology

Our team of experts are working for to provide real-time data regarding all animal infections around us and to avoid any possibility of these infections to be zoonotic in the near future.

Our Team

Dr. Fazal Adnan

Dr. Fazal Adnan

CEO of