Dr. Fazal Adnan
CEO of Zoonitica
Dr. Fazal Adnan is PhD in Molecular Microbiology from University of Giessen, Germany and currently working as
Assistant Professor at the Biosciences School (ASAB), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
Pakistan. He is involved in various research projects related to AMR and infectious microbiology. One of his main
project is focused on investigating the zoonotic potential of the colibacillosis causing Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and
its comparison with the human (UPEC) and bovine MPEC) pathogenic E. coli strains. Alongside, his research group is also
working on different novel antibacterial strategies like, phage therapy, antimicrobial peptides, quorum
quenching and CRISPR/CAS mediated whole genome excision of various pathogenic bacteria. He is also part of
the global One Health initiative and work in collaboration with PRI, NARC and NIH, Islamabad for control of
various AMR infections in Pakistan.