Vaccination & Treatments

Bovine Mastitis Vaccination

Commercially Available Vaccine in Pakistan

MASTIPEPTM is mastitis vaccine developed by Mastitis Research Lab, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) and commercialized by UM Enterprises, Karachi.

This is Pakistan’s 1st pentavalent comprised of

    • Staphylococcus aureus, strong biofilm producing
    • Staphylococcus aureus, highly virulent
  • Escherichia coli
  • Streptococcus agalactiae
  • Corynebacterium pyogenes


Vaccination & Treatments

The treatment of mastitis is costly and any delay in the treatment of animals can result in the reduction of animal value or premature culling of the animal. 

Antibiotic Treatment

  • Treatment of clinical cases involves intramammary and parenteral administration of antibiotics. 
  •  For antibiotic administration in mastitic cattle, the best approach is the intramammary route and many commercial intramammary tubes are also available in the market for this purpose.
  • The best drugs that can be given by intramuscular route are macrolides (erythromycin, tylosin), quinolones (norfloxacin), cephalosporin, and oxytetracycline. 
  • A synthetic antibacterial agent known as Tribrissen can also be used. 
  • Steroids are generally not recommended as it has certain side-effects but in acute inflammation, steroids can also be used.

Udder Toilet

  • This process is also used to treat mastitis.
  • In this process, milk is removed from the infected quarter.
  • Large amount of weak antiseptic solution of acriflavin (1:10000 in boiled water) is infused into infected quarter. 
  • Antiseptic solution is kept in quarter for 5-7 minutes and then removed with the help of syringe.

Blocking of Affected Quarter

  • This process is only done if the infected quarter failed to respond to all the available treatments.
  • For this purpose, tincture iodine or chlorhexadene is infused into the non-respondent quarter.
  • This process causes irritation to the animal for some time and blocks the quarter permanently.

Dry Cow Therapy

  • Dry cow therapy (DCT) is the intramammary antibiotic therapy immediately after last milking of lactation.
  • This is used to treat any infection contracted during lactation stage.
  • It is also aimed at preventing new infection from occurring during dry period. 
  • It is beneficial against both contagious and environmental pathogens.

Combination Therapy

  • The dry cow treatment with antibiotics showed a prophylactic benefit of 82% reduction in the rate of new intra-mammary infections. 

Supportive Treatment

  • To increase immunity, vitamin AD3E is a good option.
  • Many trace elements like iodine, zinc, and copper can also be used to boost immunity.
  • Biotechnological products like lysostaphin, Interleuken-1, and Interleuken-2 can also be used.

Herbal Remedies

  • Garlic, lemon, ginger, red chilies, black pepper, and black zera. Dry all the products for 5 days, mix them in flour, sprinkle water and wrap in newspaper. Give the powder to infected animals for 5 days.
  • 250 ml lemon in combination with 500-gram sugar may also be given.
  • 250-gram garlic is cooked in 1000 ml milk and given to animal for 2-3 days.