Preventive Measures

Bovine Mastitis

Mastitis (commonly known as saroo) is one of the most dangerous contagious disease of dairy animals. According to an estimation, milk production in mastitis animal reduces up to 50%. So, the prevention of the disease is very important.

Prevention of Mastitis Disease

To prevent the mastitis, the objectives are to prevent the new infections to occur and to reduce the duration of already existed infections. To achieve this, following steps are important;

  • Pre-Milking Teat Dipping 
  • Teats are suggested to dip in the dipping solution before milking to avoid cross contamination.
  • Teats are washed and dried with clean towel or tissue before dipping.
  • Separate towel is recommended for each animal to avoid cross contamination.
  • Teat cups are available that are filled with dipping solution (iodofores – 0.1-1% iodine) and teats are dipped in it for 2-3 seconds.
  • Post-Milking Teat Dipping 
  • Pathogenic organisms are present on the udder and skin, and in the environment surrounding the animal.
  • After milking, the teat canal remains open for 20-25 minutes, and this is the ideal time for organisms to invade the teat canal.
  • In order to prevent the infection from theses pathogens, post-milking teat dipping is used.
  • Teat dipping solution is same as the pre-milking solution.
  • Keeping the Animal in Standing Position Post Milking
  • After milking, the teat canal remains open for 20-25 minutes, and this is the ideal time for organisms to invade the teat canal.
  • To avoid the infection with pathogens to occur, it is recommended to keep the animal in standing position for at least 45 minutes post milking.
  • Dry Cow Therapy
  • Dry cow therapy (DCT) is the intramammary antibiotic therapy immediately after last milking of lactation.
  • This is used to treat any infection contracted during lactation stage.
  • It is also aimed at preventing new infection from occurring during dry period. 
  • It is beneficial against both contagious and environmental pathogens.
  • Prompt Treatment of Clinical Cases
  • Despite the prevention measures, clinical cases still can occur. It is recommended to treat these cases promptly to avoid the spread of the disease.
  • Treatment of clinical cases involves intramammary and parenteral administration of antibiotics.
  • Culling of the infected Animals
  • If not treated on time, one or more teat becomes fibrosed and the udder shrinks
  • Chances of recovery are very low so culling of infected cow is recommended

Managemental Control of Mastitis

Some managerial steps should be taken on farm in order to prevent/eliminate sources of infections;

  • Complete separation of infected and healthy animals
  • Immediate culling of mastitic animals from the herd and proper disposal of mastitic milk 
  • Ensure to purchase mastitis-free animals in the first place and check the animals for clinical mastitis regularly by Surf field mastitis test (SFMT)
  • Improvise hygienic conditions of the dairy farm
  • Optimize insect/pest control on the dairy farm
  • Reduction of bacteria in the farm environment by regular cleaning of the farm and dry bedding material should be used for the animals
  • Ensure proper ventilation and sanitation system for the animals on the farm
  • Make sure that animals should be fed with feed enriched with multivitamins and other nutritional supplements having protein contents and minerals 
  • Ensuring milking of healthy animals before the infected ones
  • Treatment of udder and teat wounds as per recommendations by veterinarians
  •  Make sure the animals’ surrounding environment should be clean and dry as much as possible
  • The milker’s hands should be properly washed/ sanitized and dried in order to minimize the spread of disease
  • Milking apparatus should be cleaned and air dried
  •  Make sure to keep dairy animals in covered areas with cemented/hard dry and smooth floor
  • Properly cleaning and washing of the milking machine when in use
  • Apply depal solution to the teats each time the milking of animal takes place
  • Take special care of the teats of pregnant animals. Insert antibiotics which have long-lasting effects because this would protect the animals from mastitis in future milking.
  • It is recommended to feed the calves before milking
  • Time span between two milkings should be at least 12 hours