Amna Jalil
Molecular Microbiologist
Amna is PhD Candidate at the Biosciences School (ASAB), National University of Sciences & Technology
(NUST) Pakistan. She is HEC Indigenous Scholar and a part of AntiBacter group that works under the
supervision of Dr. Fazal Adnan (Assistant Professor, NUST). Her focus of study is microbiology and
currently, she is working on HEC funded project that mainly focuses on the investigation of the zoonotic
potential of the colibacillosis causing Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and its comparison with the human
(UPEC) and mammary pathogenic E. coli (MPEC). Alongside, she is also involved in other projects focusing
on the different novel antibacterial strategies like phage therapy, quorum quenching and CRISPR/CAS
mediated whole genome excision of APEC.